So, you want to buy a cabin?
- Prepare for the sacrifices
- Not full time use
- Not full time access
- Maintenance
- Protection
- Elements
- Wildlife/insects
- Intruders/trespassers
- Willing to give up?
- Power
- Water
- Telephone
- Internet
- In return for:
- Privacy
- Hunting
- Fishing
- Quiet
- Peace
- Fewer limitations
- Personal freedom
- Willing to invest in:
- 4×4 vehicles (probably trucks)
- 4×4 ORVs
- Generators
- Fuel tanks
- Satellite
- Solar + storage
- Water storage
- Housing
- Extra cost to build in remote area
- Extra time to construct in remote area
- Can you learn to live “smaller”
- Extras
- Animals – horses, ect.
- Need shelter, barns, sheds, fencing, gates, feed, water
- Market supply
- Will continue to be limited
- Future sellers will be either smart early buyers, legacy owners or their descendants
- They will not sell cheap
- Services
- All services will have to be secondary to the property
- Important components
- Hunting
- Fishing
- Live water
- Access to National Forest
- Potential for biking and hiking
- Potential for off roading
- Big Questions
- water sustainability
- Both live water and potable water
- Population growth
- Infringing recreational use
- Experiments
- Rent an isolated cabin
- Take your hiking shoes
- Bring your favorite beverage
- Bring some good books to read
- Spend afternoons relaxing
- Spend evenings reading
- See if you can make it for 3 days
- Then analyze how it feels
- This experiment is not necessarily how you would live in an isolated location, but it will give you a plus/minus read on which direction you want to take