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Cuba Fly Fishing Adventure

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

I headed of to Cuba this Spring for saltwater fly fishing but to also see, up close, what life and times for Cubans looks like.

The Good – Fishing

The Bad – Government

Everybody has a job, nobody wants to work (with the exception of our fishing guides who were great).  Infrastructure sucks…roads, power lines, bridges, ect.  Internet is totally regulated and virtually unusable outside of major hotels.  Most of the time it just doesn’t work.  You can’t use US credit cards.  All cash must be converted to CUCs, a local currency that is useless outside of Cuba.  Consequently, the game at the end of a trip is to dump as much of the Cuban money you can but still have emergency cash at departure.  Here’s a tip, don’t be late for your flight, be a couple of hours early as they tend to close the doors an hour prior to departure time.  They need time for the donkeys to pull the planes to the runway……..

Seriously, the principal form of transportation in the countryside is pony carts!

The Ugly – Not the women

I think the rest of the world might want to go on a beans and rice diet.  Cuba has beautiful women, can’t say as much for the men.

And Finally….

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